First, special thanks to @madgrizzle and @bar for the calibration posts and benchmark test info. The fourth time was the charm for me on my new Maslow and its now dead on (2/6 +0.33). Patience paid off.
You’re gcode works fine.
I am drawing/designing on BiiCADo Pro (units = inches) on an iPad pro (264 ppi);
moving my DXF file to my mac (flash required) and then;
converting to SVG with convertio (have used two other solutions with the same exact results),
then importing into Makercam with the following results:
a 42" designed part comes up close to 3" onscreen (inches - yes :: at the default 72 SVG Import Default Resolution)
Changing the Import resolution setting gets me pretty close:
5.5 is too small, 5.4 is too big.
5.45 is pretty darn close to the 42" design
My number is a far cry from 72 or 90 and I can’t get my head around where the calculation has gone wrong and can’t come up with a number anywhere close to 5.45 multiplying or dividing into known numbers like inch to metric conversions (ie 25.4), 264 ppi, etc.
I would like to get the correct value mathematically if possible.
I did do a first actual run using the “Scaling” feature only at 1200% X & Y (thinking inches vs feet without checking the math) with the default import resolution kept at 72. Pushed the gcode to the Ground Control and the Maslow ran beautifully producing 4 perfectly scaled 38.25" pieces. (not 42"). Honestly, I was pretty proud of myself to see it run so I didn’t bother to check the production result until today.
(X and Y are off symmetrically. 42" is an X measurement).
Perhaps that’s meaningful…
I used the makercam coordinate tool (the arrow with the circle at the tip), and took the measurement between two known points after I imported the SVG.
point one x=1.2201 inches
point two x=4.4017 inches
Distance between two points = 3.1816
I wanted 42" so…
3.1816 = 42
100 New Scale Factor
4200/3.1816 = 1320.09
I punched 1320 into the scale factor and it regenerated to 41.998".
I’ll keep trying to see where it is really going wrong.
@TheMerryYeoman - 42 was a good year, enjoy! @Bee - I’ll try it in metric and report back. @Gero - Thanks for the props. My third try I was off over 30mm total.
If at first (second or third) you don’t succeed, try following all of the directions!
Not sure I fully understand your issue.
What happens when you go directly into, make sure you set it to inches and draw a 2" x 3" rectangle.
Then you make a profile operation, export it to gcode and cut it. What are the sizes you get?
If you don’t get the correct sizes (correctish) then it’s either the makercam settings or it’s the GC settings.
If it is close then the little offset is calibration and the large offset originates from the programs you are using before entering into makercam.
I hope that gives some food for thought.
It is possible to build/install Inkscape and LibreCad via macports onto your Mac. Both programs can import DXF and other formats. If you export the SVG out of Inkscape change the px/inch settings to 96 and not 90 as indicated in Makercam and it should maintain scale.
As @Gero mentioned the website has not been updated for along time.
see that “width=“595.276pt” height=“841.89pt”” there in the top? change that to “width=“595.276in” height=“841.89in”” and i’ll bet your problem goes away.
Apparently the forum software is stupid and wont let me post the raw code to a svg, even if it is set to “preformatted text”, it shows up as an empty block grrr. so i’ll have to embed images of the text rather than actual text
here’s what i get if i take that edited svg and open it in makercam: