I figured I would have the Maslow counterbore the holes for itself while cutting the final sled, I don’t think I made changes tot that part of the sled with alignment that I found in the community garden. Very strange.Sled with Router Holes.dxf (39.1 KB)
Interesting… I just exported the drawing from your link and everything exported file. I then opened the DXF in Inkscape and verified the scale… all good.
Interesting. My version of ink scape doesn’t have those import options. Something I forgot to mention earlier, when I used converio.com to convert it then opened it in makercam thesamething happened. Something must be up with how my computer, a Mac, converts the file. Which really doesn’t make any sense.
Very weird. I’m using Inkscape version 0.92.3 on Ubuntu. What version are you running on your Mac?
I’ve never had converio.com scale anything proper when converting a DXF (probably because the DXF was using inches). If I normally trying to put a square of a known size (like 3x3 inches) then scale that to match the grid in MakerCam (that way I know I got everything right or at least close); then delete the square in Makercam.
Here’s the SVG I got out of Inkscape; you should be able to open that in Makercam at 96dpi.
edit - zipping SVGsled.zip (1.8 KB)
I just tried this on my mac… and I’m seeing there may be some challenges. There the only Mac port of Inkscape is 0.91 and you’re right there is not “read from file” scaling method on the DXF import.
I started trying to see if I could install a later version of Inkscape on OSX but that started getting more involved than I want right now… one method requires that I install Xcode (how I don’t have that installed… even an older version I don’t know, but that requires I upgrade OSX to High Sierra… sorry no OS upgrades tonight ).
Surely there are some other Mac users here that can weigh in on how to properly convert a DXF file to SVG and maintain the scale.