November 11, 2024, 7:48pm
Hello! Congratulations on Maslow 4.1! Look forward to upgrading.
Curious if self pickup from Maslow’s Seattle HQ would be an option? Couldn’t find self pickup delivery option on the Kickstarter page.
Personally thought the Maslow hosted self pickup and build sessions were great for various reasons, recently harped on about how great the sessions were…
Maslow CNC folks ran a few in-person open house build workshop sessions soon after they first started shipping Maslow 4. This was a great mutually beneficial experience for the Makers, and the Maslow CNC folks. The Makers got dedicated time,...
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November 11, 2024, 7:52pm
You are welcome in our shop literally any time, but we can also absolutely do an official local pickup (and of course refund your shipping).
We’d love to do some build days again too because we thought those were a lot of fun also.
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November 11, 2024, 10:01pm
Awesome! Thank you Bar, Anna and team. Just signed up for the upgrade kit. Good luck with the Kickstarter campaign!