Maslow 4 Fusion 360 Model

I am not sure how I could? They are not a business partner. They are their own company with their own set of brands they manage. Their specific purpose for this was to liquidate products that no longer needed to be sold by Maker Made. I already stated earlier:

I will not reconstruct the timeline of events here: when we started getting them to liquidate the product in July, when it was quite apparent your Kickstarter was going live. When I notified them that I would no longer be manufacturing the kit, which was during or shortly after your Kickstarter. In our last communication which was when they wanted my help to reactivate the Amazon listing.

I’m failing to see what responsibility I (or Maker Made) have here. Especially given your disparaging video, posts, and comments about Maker Made, which I politely asked you to remove or delete. Before your videos, I asked you a couple of simple requests over email so I (and our attorneys) could research them, but you went public about the whole thing.


So what I’m hearing is that you acknowledge that you created the problem by hiring these people, but you aren’t going to take any responsibility for what the people that you hired are doing and you aren’t going to try to fix it.

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