Thanks for helping navigate this, David.
I haven’t modified them from the default. Checking the maslow.yaml I downloaded from the most recent release yesterday morning, it has:
# Z axis values
# These define the height of the anchor points in relation to each of the arms. You do not need to change these typically
Maslow_tlZ: 100
Maslow_trZ: 56
Maslow_blZ: 34
Maslow_brZ: 78
For clarity, if I were to attempt to measure the Z-offsets, I’m imagining I should measure from belt bottom/center/top at the anchor to belt bottom/center/top at the arm on the maslow?
I’m using @Dan_Bunby 's 3d printed anchor points, which do add a small amount of additional height above the board. They are mounted to the top of the spoil board.
Anecdotally, I did initially install the maslow on a much larger frame on the floor, with the anchors set below the spoil board, but still had issues.
Additionally, I do anticipate working with materials of varying z-heights, ranging from 1.5mm to standard 1/2 plywood. Do I need to anticipate recalibrating when I change materials?
Do these issues “go away” in a vertical mount?
Thanks again for your help unraveling this. As mentioned previously, I can be rather daft and may very well have missed a glaring document outlining ‘typical’ z-height setup…