Maslow 4 Online Build Workshop

Hello Maslowvians!

I would like to invite you to a Maslow 4 Online Build Workshop, live streamed on Discord and YouTube

Date: Saturday, April 20, 2024
Time: 4 pm GMT (11 am EDT)
Discord Server Invite: maslowcnc

The back story: My M4 arrived just before I was leaving on a road trip to see the solar eclipse. I have been itching to get started, but I could do nothing but think about the build and how to make it more interesting. I concluded it would be fun to hold an online build workshop so we can build and problem-solve together!

Whether you are ready to start building your kit, have already built one, are on the fence about buying one, or just want to tune in and laugh at us while we feel our way through the process, you are welcome.

For those who just want to watch and comment via text chat, the YouTube stream is the easier way to join. For those who want to be part of the audio conversation, which I highly recommend for those who are building or those who have build experience to share, Discord is the way to go. You will need to set up a Discord account for that option. If you plan on being a part of the Discord conversation, send me a DM so I have an idea who’s coming.

For builders: According to the Assembly Guide, the only tools you will need are the Allen wrench included in the kit and a small hammer to tap a few things into place. A tray or parts sorter may be useful to keep track of small parts. I recommend that you inventory your kit before the livestream using the What’s in the Box? section of the Maslow website. This will familiarize you with the parts and give you an opportunity to request replacements if you have damaged or missing parts. Ideally you will also have a webcam that you can point at your build if you run into problems.

Since the Maslow Community is worldwide and not all of the kits ordered have been delivered yet, the time I chose will undoubtedly be inconvenient for some people. I might be doing additional livestreams and I encourage others to set up their own livestreams. I would be happy to advise them on the tools I will be using and help them plan their event.


I would definitely recommend ordering a 2mm Allen wrench “screwdriver” like one of these if you have time before you intend to build - the included Allen wrench can become challenging after awhile.


Just a reminder that the online build workshop begins approximately 12 hours from now.


I have had extremely good luck with this type, specifically this one.

The lip in the shaft neatly holds a nut for placement

while the entire shaft fits through a 3mm hole


Whew! The first session on Saturday ended up being a marathon because I learned that I wouldn’t have any time on Sunday to finish. So the video is seven and a half hours long! I certainly understand if no one wants to watch something that long just for fun, but it you are apprehensive about your build and/or want to see some of the techniques I used, this could be a good follow-along while you build.

I had a lot of “help” during my build, so there is that.

I plan on recording my adventures in connecting to the M4 and updating the firmware this evening at 10 pm UTC / 6 PM EDT.


Oops, I broke the live stream I created, so here’s a new link to a new stream


I’m watching along! Skip to this version which will come out tomorrow: Interstitial Firmware Releases - #92 by bar

It’s a dramatic improvement in so many ways. The documentation should all be up to date by tomorrow for the release

Thanks for joining, Bar! It was great to get some real time feedback on my improvised solution of loading the firmware using my smart phone!

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I had fun live-streaming my assembly process, but the recording didn’t come out as good as I would hope. If there is someone in or near Ohio who would like to do a joint live stream and get help with your assembly in the process, let me know.

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