Maslow 4 - The next generation of Maslow

I received the email notification for Maslow4 and began scrolling through this forum topic. Maslow4 appears to take all the learning from the previous iteration and bundle it up.

@bar, thanks for your efforts. I appreciate your dedication to open-source; it motivates me to contribute more. I had contributed back in the day, and would be willing again if there were a problem which was not well supported by the other contributors’ skill-sets. Many of the core pieces of the Holey Calibration were implemented by me, and I think that kind of math/calibration is my skill-set. While I haven’t seen it, I believe the foundations of the new 4-link automatic calibration are similar to those of the Holey Calibration. Let me know if there is a targeted activity in that space which is a specific pain-point.

It is good to see some old familiar names: @madgrizzle and @dlang. I am still looking for @MeticulousMaynard, @Gero, and a few others who were significant contributors back in the day.

I now have 3 little @Joshua’s who are just on the fringes of being able to tinker with a Maslow4. I am considering a purchase of the new Maslow4, but I might get reprimanded by my boss (wife).