Maslow CNC by wiper motor

Dear all,

I need to build Maslow CNC by wiper motor, I’ll add normal encoders to the two motors (encoder with output A,B signals).
I’ll use L298 as drivers for the motors.

Can I found this direct please, or any help, please ?
How can I configure the setting by 1 mm with encoders?

Best regards

I assume you are wanting to build a chain maslow. I know people have attempted to do it with wiper motors, I do not know how successful they were.

An easy search of wiper motor in forums brings up a few posts. Here is one of them.

Many thanks Mr. TimS
I need any work with DC-motor not important to be wiper motor (it’s a normal DC-motor just without encoder, so I’ll add normal encoder to it)
Waiting for any help to build Maslow CNC with normal DC-motors with L298 drivers and normal encoder as feedback.

Best regards