Maslow Mark II - 3D

Hi Allan,
I do but not in the presentable form - a lot of hand drawings and notes; a lot of changes and experiments as usual with prototype. I have to reverse document “as build” without all “bugs”.

I do have gantry and carriage brackets models in Fusion360 f3d and stl format which I can share with you. I am in Poland so everything is design in metric. You should find steel profiles 40mmx40mmx2mm and 40x40x3 in your local steel stockist. If not then you have to redesign brackets and beams to inches and feet.

If I found time and generate plans I will post it in Community Garden - two pieces you already have Ring alignment and z-axis.

Ring and bit alignmentSimple pattern to align ring and router bit and reinforce ring mount

z-axis for AEG routerModification of AEG router

You can also find pictures of my old Maslow build to illustrate why I decided to build a metal frame - I need accuracy and precision and ease of material handling.

