Maslow using drag knife?

Hi all

I’m just wondering if anyone has thought about Maslow using a drag knife? I think you could make a vertical vacuum table quite easily and cheaply.

It’s been discussed. Issues would include the fact that the sled makes sliding contact with the surface of the material being cut, and the kinematics assumes that the cutter is a router or milling bit.
Does software to create gcodes for a drag knife accommodate the swivel of the knife as the software for a router accommodates the radius of the router bit?
[edit] I see that there is software to accommodate the swivel, so the drag of the sled on the surface would be the issue to consider.

It’s been discussed. Issues would include the fact that the sled makes sliding contact with the surface of the material being cut

This means you have to worry about material that curls up when cut.

, and the kinematics assumes that the cutter is a router or milling bit.

not true, the system just moves motors, it doesn’t know what it is moving

Does software to create gcodes for a drag knife accommodate the swivel of the knife as the software for a router accommodates the radius of the router bit?

Yes, see as an example

I’ve had plans to build this or when I get time.

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Thanks very much, one further question, I assume that this would also allow you to score the material?

I watched this (the first person with the folding and cutting) and I feel like maybe the Maslow could do this on a large scale

I’ve seen people with things structured like a drag knife that have a narrow
wheel (v-shaped edge) instead of a knife.

in both the knife and the wheel, the critical thing is that the software needs
to know the distance between the center of the spindle (where the knife/wheel
pivots) and the point of the knife/center of the wheel

it then plans the spindle movement to account for this (as the X video I posted
the link to shows)

Thanks very much for your advice :slight_smile:


I was following this thread and was curious if you ended up getting a drag knife set up?

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