Mounting maslowcnc to floor

Hi I was looking to mount my maslow4 to my garage floor. I printed the mounts shown here

and bought some of the quick release bolts mentioned in the not shop.

Is the correct way to install this to put in tapcon screws in all the screw holes in these mounts? The mounts in the attaching-to-floor example look like hex bolts screwed into anchors?

what is the recommended way to do this?

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I would recommend using a removable adhesive (I just used silicon caulk). That way if you want to take them up you have the option to do that.

If you are comfortable drilling holes in the floor I would recommend putting in threaded inserts. That way when you are not using machine nothing is left sticking above the ground.

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oh cool, I wouldn’t have thought gluing them to the floor would be good enough. I will try that first.

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