Hi! I am a wood hobbyist and just learned about the Maslow CNC. This is absolutely amazing.
I am limited on space, so looking for a way to use the Maslow and than store it. Is it possible to mount the Maslow directly to the floor? any other ideas/solutions for compact usage?
yes, the frame is defined in the maslow.yaml file so you can swap out the file
for different frames.
How big does the frame need to be?
This is a question being debated and tested. based on math, when the arms hit
the vertical parts of the frame, the machine becomes less accurate. There are
two types of errors that can happen. This calculator shows the green zone where
no errors happen, white where one type of error happens and red where a
different type of error happens http://lang.hm/maslow/maslow4_frame.html
the errors build up gradually and are not linear (per one calculation, being
150mm into the white resulted in 0.5mm of error, 400mm into the white resulted
in 2.5nn if error), so it’s not a hard cutoff, and different projects can handle
different amounts of error.
what is important is that there is no flex in the anchors, either frame the
frame moving (not a problem with concrete anchors) or with the anchors
themselves moving (threads are not high precision anchors and a bolt in a
threaded hole does move around some)