My maslow status

Bar or anna
I have not heard anything about the status of my cnc. Would someone please update me?

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Yes, it might be a little while yet. It’s about 80% assembled, but I’m not sure when we’ll be able to sit down and finish it.

Thank you. I am not pushing. Please just keep me updated. I do appreciate your help.

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Do you plan on having another build day when it can be completed?

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We will do another build day, but I’d like to get it done before then. Just have to find the time to squeeze it in!

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Thank you. I know you stated ypu would like to deminstrate when you deliver it. I am now thinking expandable but at least to start using 8 ft square area for using 4x4 work area. I have limited energy. I am now in trial period using ProgeCam software. I like a lot that when adding lines circles boxes etc that immediately boxes show up for inserting dimensions. Then it is sized correctly. Also dimensions between other objects. I also like no monthly costs. It would be nice to try in real life before trial ends.

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Neighbor told me we are in for 2 more weeks of rain. Since i need to use outside. There is no rush. Have a great day. I am resting…

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