One Z stepper intermittently not moving

As stated, the bottom a stepper is not moving like 75% of the time when trying to get the machine started up and homed. I swapped the cables for the top and bottom stepper and the problem follows the bottom output on the board so thinking it’s a software or hardware issue. Uploaded a saved yaml file without any improvement.

It’s not throwing any errors so kinda lost with diagnosing, but setting the z stop or z home sometimes gets it to cooperate.


On 0.87 and JSTs if that helps.

This is a common failure mode for those boards. The issue is that the stepper driver chip isn’t fully soldered so there isn’t an easy way to fix it other than to reflow the board. We test them all to try to catch that issue, but some slip through. We’re switching board manufacturers going forward. I will DM you a code for a free replacement which is the fastest fix.

Oh interesting… good to know it’s not me!

I’ve got some time today and will try reflowing the board with a heat gun or soldering iron depending on how small the pins are. If you know off the top of your head, could you point me to the chip causing the problem? Happy to find it in the schematics but you might save me some time.

Also, FWIW this was the first batch of JST kits.

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It’s 100% not your fault. For some reason they just can’t seem to get them to solder reliably. We’ve been talking with the PCB maker and the chip maker and nobody can figure out what the issue is. I’m really hoping that switching PCB manufacturer fixes it. I’d still order a spare just to have one on hand.

It’s this chip here:

It’s a Trinamic stepper driver (TMC2209-LA). There is one located near each stepper driver connector. I’ve found that hitting them with the hot air reflow for like two minutes fixes it. It’s longer than you would expect…and they make some scary cracking noises when they are heating sometimes, but I’ve never had anything bad happen.

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Perfect, I’ve got some tinkering energy today so I’ll give that a shot. Had to do the same thing on a Visio TV and it’s been working for like 2 years since! I’ll report back if it works.

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Hey that worked! It was a struggle to solder, had to use a really fine tip and it’s ugly as hell but got me back and running until the replacement comes. Thanks @bar!


I am having the same issue. One motor stops working intermittently. If it’s really skewed the unit locks up. Also some very strange behavior when occasionally adjusting z . The unit starts to unspool belts. Similar problem when I stopped a gfile and then hit home. It unspooled a ton of belt which got all tangled up.

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@bar I do not have soldiering skills. Please advise how I can get a new card

There is for sure weird behavior with the Stop button. I need to dig into what is going on there, but that should be a software fix.

I’ll DM you a code for a free replacement board, but while that is in the mail tell me more about what you are seeing because I’m not sure that what you are describing is a board issue

Just happened on this thread I’ve been having the non-functioning z motor issue as well. I don’t have a reflow gun, any chance I can get a replacement code?

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Did you swap the JST connectors for the Z axis on the control board to see if the issue followed the motor or the control board output?

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Sure did.It’s the port, not the motor.


My Z axis works 99% of the time. It occasionally quits going up/down and ruins whatever I am cutting. Power cycle seems to help. I also bottom it out to make sure the motors are in alignment. Engraving text is the most problematic. Lots of small up/downs. It gets stuck in the middle. Not sure this is a board problem…

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Adding some lubricant to the lead screws could help, it could be that they are just binding up occasionally

Oiling the lead screws seems to be running much better. If there is ever a troubleshooting guide or FAQ, this should be in there.

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What kind of lubricant did you use? I’ve had lithium and silicon gum up pretty bad and seize components. Lithium seized up my 3D printer, and silicon seized the belt arm gears on the maslow after some use. Currently using triflow and no issues.

@kyleschoen I use silicone lubricant spray, great for woodworking equipment because it is not sticky (not nearly as much as grease anyways). You’ll have to apply it more often tho. Did you use sillicone spray or grease?

Silicon grease caused the issue. I bet spray would work better.