I finally installed a ssr to automate my spindle control and got it all working. I’ll do a write up in the wiki later.
Now i kinda expected that if you pauze the program, that the spindle would stop too. Is there a reason why it doesn’t do this, or is it just not implemented yet. I can’t see a situation when i would want to pauze the program with the spindle still running.
Aslo related to pauzing, but not to the spindle automation. On a tool change it isn’t possible to move the z-axis (not a new problem, has always been that way). I need to unpauze and repauze and then i can set the z-axis. Is that just me that set some button in the wrong direction, or is this an actual bug? Because that really sounds like someone would have complained about. You need to re-zero the z-axis after a tool change, so you need to move it always.
While i’m in crazy-complaint-rant-mode, the auto z-axis button in the z-axis menu, is that comming now that you have more free time @bar ;-)? I’d like to use my macro’s to start and stop my spindle now
i just installed a M2 in my garage and i want to ad an automatic system to start/stop router.
I use a raspberry pi for makerverse and i know i can make a macro to control a GPIO output but i dont know how to make work M04 command. do you know how i can do this ?
I didnt find it in wiki
thank you
Yeah, i don’t think i ever made the wiki post, and i assume the way i did it can be outdated now, i don’t have a raspi on the maslow yet, maybe that’s for when i do an upgrate.
But do you mean the m04 command in the gcode? That sounds like your gcode generator should put it in there.
for the moment i use easel and in the future i will use fusion but i don’t know how i can “link” M04 gcode command to my macro which turn on router … (sorry about my english)
or another way should be to activate a "beginning macro " each time i start a milling and a “ending macro” as i do with my 3d printer to switch on leds and start fans…