I’ve just mounted the PCB mounting plate as suggested in the instructions. The mounting plate doesn’t really seem like it fits the top of the router at all. I am using a British version of the router. Can anyone suggest a solution?
I’ve just mounted the PCB mounting plate as suggested in the instructions. The mounting plate doesn’t really seem like it fits the top of the router at all. I am using a British version of the router. Can anyone suggest a solution?
Theres a work around here Which Router To Order for 240 Volt Countries - #25 by Markus_Rinn
Ah great thanks!
Just a note for @bar , perhaps this could be added to the instructions to prevent people having to take their router apart to fix this?
Good idea, I will add a note to the assembly instructions!
Hi @bar
Just to let you know, I’m afraid this isn’t a permanent solution. Snipping those other two clips off reduces the bend by a bit but unless you were to snip the other side too, there is still a a bend. Haven’t done that yet as I think it is going to make the plate too wobbly.
Would it be possible to get a revised file that could be printed to fix this?
Someone else already beat me to it!
It seems to me that the power cord is blocking the orange connector?
@geertdoornbos - Perhaps if the bracket were modified to rotate it just enough, one way or the other, so the orange (power) connector and the cord are clear of one another>
True. I had already adjusted the cord. Turning a bit might be an improvement indeed, if the length of cabling allows it.
Hello, this bracket with rotation has been created or not ? It should be so useful