Alternative (rotated) mounting bracket for EU model deWalt router

The European version of the recommended deWalt router has the power cable standing up. This interferes with the power connector for the controller board which is in the exact same spot.

I have created an alternative bracket that can be 3D printed. The main feature is that the controller board is slightly rotated compared to the original bracket. This lets the power connector to the controller board just pass the router power cord. The belt motor cables are just long enough to reach each connector without putting strain on them on the endpoints of each motor, so no modifications are needed.

I have uploaded the .STL files for this, including two small test-parts so you can tune in your tolerances to make things fit nicely together. (Have a look at horizontal expansion if holes are slightly large/tight). The bracket itself will require some supports under the disc that covers the WiFi module. That should be the only area requiring supports.

The pictures shows the power connector for the board with the alternative bracket.

You’ll need to print one of the BRACKET (add supports) and seven of the PIN parts. The pins have to be made separately for strength; if they were printed as part of the bracket the way it is oriented they would snap off immediately. This way they are plenty strong. The other two parts are optional and for testing tolreances/fit without having to print everything each time.

Note: The pin insterted into the slot on the raised platform needs to be cut as it will protrude into the space needed for the WiFi module of the controller board. The easiest way is to put the bracket on the table, insert the pin all the way til it meets the table and then cut the excess from the underside with flush cutters.

If the pins are slightly loose you can always glue them with a small drop of glue.
Maslow4 EU DeWalt Router bracket BRACKET.stl (212.7 KB)
Maslow4 EU DeWalt Router bracket PIN.stl (1.6 KB)
Maslow4 EU DeWalt Router bracket test hex.stl (10.4 KB)
Maslow4 EU DeWalt Router bracket test slot.stl (10.0 KB)