Could we have progress stats added? I think just having the total lines of g-code, the current line, and the percentage complete would be excellent and shouldn’t take long to code. Adding which toolpath it is currently on would also be awesome to know.
I think that is a fantastic suggestion, I will make a GitHub issue for it so it doesn’t get forgotten.
Where would you like to see that information on the screen?
Bar wrote:
Where would you like to see that information on the screen?
I would say a line number that doesn’t get updated any more frequently than
once/second or so.
it would be worth having a bubble that showed the filename that’s currently
loaded and how many lines there are in it.
make such a bubble change to a progress bar when you hit play and change the
lines to processed/total
I would put it above the graphics showing the cut.
David Lang
I was thinking along the same lines. If it just put the line number then it would likely be updated too fast to be useful. I couldn’t think of a good mechanism to slow it down, but also keep it sufficiently up to date.
I think that’s a good idea. There’s a lot of open space there, and it logically make sense with the cut graphic running right below.