Random movements while cutting

Thanks @bar, @blurfl and @Gero

The file was made using a piece of software I backed on kickstarter in 2011 - sketchchair - so there was no JPG to SVG conversion - straight up vector file.

It was a cool project which seemed to die while still in beta - a shame as it is the perfect companion to a maslow cnc IMO.

I’ve just seen @blurfl’s post re the firmware fix - maybe that will resolve what is happening - I was planning to redraw the file in something else, but I’m 2/3 through this cut and matching the pieces would have been a bit of a muck around - would be good to get working as it is - strange how makercam interprets that line… it’s no different to any of the others


Too bad that SketchChair failed - I really like their rocking stool!


this is the chair i’m making - part way finished - just need the slats!

I’m no developer, but would love to see sketchchair revived: https://github.com/DiatomStudio/SketchChair

http://diatom.cc/ have some cool projects


Diatom.cc has started other projects, Piccolo for example, and dropped them mid- development.

Sketchchair’s official forum gets a server error, it’s blog is an undefined link, neither a good sign. I’d considered supporting their Kickstarter, but my CNC router at the time would have been good for dollhouse furniture. Piccolo was exciting (would have bought one) but never materialized. Diatom hasn’t proved very reliable, alas

Sketchchair looks awesome! Let’s get it working!

I can merge that PR today, and we can get you an early release to test. @chopsrob are you running GC on Mac, Windows, or Linux?


Sounds like a project for the community garden!


I have tried on linux to have a separate (old)java to at least get it running for a start.
I failed mainly because I could not install it in the productive environment without risk.
VM’s might be a start point here but I could not determine how far I need to go back to see it once.
Requires Java 1.5 or above
is sadly not true for the above part :frowning:


@bar - I’m running GC on Windows.

Sketchchair is pretty awesome - I have a working beta version which is a little flakey, but can still be used. The simple way you can design bespoke furniture (and test it with a dummy) for cutting on a CNC make it ideal for maslow users. Would be cool if it could export gcode directly - perhaps even a skew specifically tailored to the needs of ground control would be good - rather than having to import into makercam (or similar) and then export the gcode.

@Gero - not sure it would be of use to you, but I can get you a linux beta which, if like the windows version, works ok

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Here is an early version of GC 1.12 with @blurfl’s fix for huge arcs:


Most of the changes are really in the firmware, which you can grab 1.12 of here:

by clicking the “download” button in the top right corner

Let us know how it goes! There is still time to add more changes to make these files run right into 1.12


thanks @bar - will give it a go today and report back


Seems to have done the trick: https://youtu.be/1T6ln6DrD5M

The cut between the 1st and second notch is now straight! Nice one!
Google Photos

thanks @bar, @blurfl and @Gero (and others) for helping to resolve this


Excellent work community!

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This would be of more then great interest for me. Sorry for the late reply. Had troubles finding the post again.
Edit: And self flagged as attempt to high jack a topic and found worth to create a dedicated one.


@Gero here is a link for v0.9.0.1

Have included win/mac/linux


Thanks @chopsrob
I get the same error with linux as with the version from the website.
Mac I can’t try at the moment and win not at all.

Seems both versions are from 2012.

I will continue here, since a dedicated topic was created.

Unfortunately I can’t download models from Design Library from SketchChair.cc and this website don`t work.
Can you share models from design library?
Or can you say, where i can find it?