Raspberry Pi Newb

Newb here,

I thought I would set up my frame and Pi while I wait for the CNC parts to arrive. Frame is ready and I am working on configuring the Pi this evening. I followed the install steps pretty well. I can run Ground Control but have a few questions.

  1. I’m using a Pi 3 connected to a keyboard, mouse and HDMI screen. Kivy appears to be designed for touchscreens…Do I need a touchscreen to run Ground Control? I was not expecting this if so. Maybe I missed that.

  2. I can’t seem to get the mouse to work 100% with GC when running the python script in Kivy’s xwindows interface. I can click around, but the mouse is not visible on the screen. I’m kinda guessing as to where the mouse is on the screen before I click. Any ideas?

Lost and looking forward to CNCing soon,

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Welcome to our group. The default setup fro Kivy wants the touch screen.

Please see:


There are ways to get it to work, I like Ubuntu Mate 16.04.

Thank you

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Bee, thanks. Not sure how I missed that…

What about the other OS installs? Do they assume touchscreen as well? If not, I will dust off an old hunk of hardware from the closet and do a fresh Windows install or something.

Kivy Pi is the only setup with this limitation. I run Windows, Mac & Linux. However I have a Pi dedicated to the Maslow.

Thank you

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Bee, I was unable to fix my pi install…kicked it to the curb and am trying a win10 install now.

/fingers crossed