Ok, this is a dumb question, but my mouse doesn’t work on my Raspberry Pi… I tried two, a wireless, and a wired, which work on my laptop.
A) am I supposed to do something special to get a mouse to work?
B) there are no keyboard inputs for ground control?
What OS are you using on the Pi? Is the mouse not working with the Pi desktop or just Ground Control? Which model of the Pi do you have?
Thank you
I wonder if this thread has info that would apply? You haven’t missed anything in GC, there currently aren’t keyboard inputs for many of the functions in GC.
It is a B+, I erased the SD card, and followed the instructions on the GitHub page, so I installed the latest version of Kivie Pi, which I thought was the OS. Is that the problem? (That I should have another OS running?)
Glancing at that thread, it does look like I might have a few things to try. Won’t be able to troubleshoot until later though, probably.
Thanks for helping! I appreciate it!
Oh, it’s probably clear, but I don’t have the Pi desktop installed, to answer your question.
There are know issues with Kivy Pi and the mouse pointer. The thread mentioned above addresses it. I did lots of testing on the Pi. As documented with a Pi3 and the Pi foundation touch display all works. There are a few folks here that got it working on a Pi without the display. I ended up using Ubuntu Mate and found it to be stable, reliable and repeatable. They don’t have an image for 3B+ and they are planing on porting V18 next in about 4 moths is the ETA.
Here are a few posts -
Raspberry Pi with KDE Window Manager, Wayland ver
KivyPie w/o touchscreen and responsive cursor
Thank you
The easiest thing to get cursor in KivyPie is pass Kivy enviornment variable before python like this.
KIVY_WINDOW=sdl2 python main.py
You can then comment out the touchring in .kivy/config.ini, if of corse you are not using touch screen.
I’ll try that one first! Thanks!
I didn’t know there was a Pi3 B+… I am using a Pi2 B+, if that makes any difference.
I start GC with a script like this.
cd /home/sysop/GroundControl-1.10
KIVY_WINDOW=sdl2 python main.py
cd ~
CPU is steady at 30% while cutting on my Rpi 3b. My longest cut so far is just over one hour!
Also, Im no longer using OpenGL, to many freezes… So when moving screens in GC, I do see CPU spikes, since you have to render screen in software.
So now I get errors, including:
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
I’m running this as sysop, and prefaced the command with “sudo” FYI.
You should not run it as root with sudo
You should just be able to just run the command from the Groundcontol dir as the user you logged in as.
KIVY_WINDOW=sdl2 python main.py
Also you need to be in an Xwindow manager.
A Pi3 would give you a performance bump. I’m not sure if the current Kivy Pi image would boot on the 3B+.
Thank you
Hey everyone, I finally got my Maslow up and running, and I have had success controlling the x and y motor from the pi 3b+ using the touch screen from pi. Only last issue I’m having is z axis. I haven’t calibrated the machine and I’m out of date currently on the software, so I’m going to update accordingly. I did find out that if you add the definitions to the main.py it overrides the kivy config.ini file, so on a pi you just update maslow main.py file at the beginning. I’ll update here this weekend if my success or failure, but I have noticed if I run from the startx it background clicks buttons with the touch screen, so I had to boot my pi to comandline first in order to fix that issue. Also I tried to add the mouse config to the main.py but I eventually time out and the program closes. I have been working on this for 3 weeks now so I’m definitely making progress. Once I finish getting it working I’m gonna add a separate wiki on how I got it to work on my pi with no other need for a computer or making the window smaller.