Bit the bullet and began disassembly to where I can confirm if the magnets are an issue. Not quite there yet, but wondering if I should upgrade the belt guards as I see revised ones are mentioned in the forums. How do I recognize which guards I have?
Anything else I should be aware of? I am not ready to do an upgrade to JST-XH connectors. Like to get the use out of what I already have first.
The belt guards are totally worth doing while you are in there, but we don’t have them for sale yet because they’re still being made at the factory. They are available as a free 3D print from the no-shop if you are comfortable doing that.
Don’t have a printer yet ( I know, how 20th century of me) .
If I was to order them from Craftcloud, recommendations for material, etc? Anyone done this? How was the fit, and the cost? I see them offered for $15 (! 60 bucks for that one upgrade! This M4 is going to approach the $1K mark with extras if I’m not careful!)
I see a post where someone printed them 102percent and it fit well. Is that necessary?
Alternately, recommendation for a good buy on a 3D printer that would do the NotSHop parts? I’m an hour from Tucson if there is a local outlet…)
As always, Thanks For Any Help!
Resolved, maybe. How do I edit the subject line? ‘Udate’ …
After taking all the spools apart I think the problem could be traced to a few loose nuts that got off the spool and could possibly have jammed between the spools, creating the measured force problem. Will reassemble on the rack in the next few days and see if things have improved. I did have to move retraction force to 1800 this go around to get a reliable retract of all four belts. Might have been a bit more careful to tighten the not-to-tight screws in the spools.
Thanks Anna! I hate to put (leave) my name on a grievous misspelling! In case (i.e.eventuality…) I do that again, how do I edit that line? Is it open to any or an admin-only function?
Well, yes I did peek the peak, but I tend to cut other people more slack than I do myself . Considering as much as everyone does here, those are barely blemishes!