Would someone mind measuring the outer diameter, inner diameter, and thickness of the base plate on their R22002? I want to create a template for cutting the hole in the center of the sled.
I used this hole saw set -
I believe I just marked the center of my sled and drilled the hole with the 2 1/2 inch saw. It fit perfect.
How is the thickness relevant to making a sled template?
Be aware there is a specific hole pattern and in my case I chose not to have a bottom exit for my vacuum, that effected the position of the holes. Because of my choice I don’t have any bottom clearance issues.
Thank you
I finally got around to explaining it all here:
OK - now it makes sense. I will try to get to mine tomorrow AS long as it isn’t raining I will be able to provide the information.
Thank you
If you’re talking about then plastic base plate of the R2200, it’s 3/8 in thick, very nearly 6" OD and 2.5" ID. If you’re talking about the router base itself, it’s maybe 1/8" radius less than the plastic base for OD and maybe about 3 5/8" for the ID. It’s harder to measure the base itself as there is much mouinted arounbd it .
Thanks @Bee and @blurfl. The dimensions of the router itself will only come into play if the countersink method is employed.
What’s the mounting screw size and pitch? You’ll need longer ones
If I remember right, they are 10-32 screws.
I can provide a second on this verification
At ~5:00 minutes in to this video I can’t tell if he did a countersink and used the stock screws or if he did indeed buy longer ones:
Are 1-inch long 10-32 screws QTY 3 sufficient for the R2200?
That depends on the thickness of the sled material, and in part on what type of head the screw has (flat head screws need to have a chamfer for the head to seat into, and the measurement of the screw is taken from the top of the head to the base of the screw, whereas other types of heads like pan head screws, the measurement is taken from under the screw head). You will likely want at least 1/4 inch of the screw to be threaded into the base of the router (the holes are threaded), so add that to the thickness of the sled and you’ll have your minimum length.
I bought spare 2 inch screws. Too much is better then too little
Thank you
@Bar What is the size and length of the 18 ring bracket screws?
I believe that they are 3/8ths long and there are 6x3 of them. If you are thinking about buying them they are included in the kit.
I want to say a big “Thank You” to everyone who put up with my constant questions in this thread. I went ahead and bought an R22002 just so I could stop bugging everyone!
I whipped out the micrometer and calipers for exact measurements and then reduced them to the nominal dimensions (±1/32") shown here. Enjoy!
Revision Pending…
Awesome! Thanks for that. I did a quick and dirty measurement on the mounting holes for the acrylic base, but on printing it seemed a little off (though I was taping pieces of paper together instead of using a plotter. Why???) I will see what my dimensions are as compared to yours. Have you tested the hole spacing?
I want to laser cut some chipboard tomorrow and see how well everything matches. If it looks good then I’ll just have to figure out how to get Draftsight to plot 1:1 PDFs and release the “official” drawings by editing my last post.
Progress! Finally!
The laser cut template proved the dimensions are close but incorrect. Updated the bolt circle to 4.625" diameter and will try again today. And since I’m camera lazy, everyone also gets a sneak peek at what’s coming next
Thanks for reporting back! I look forward to your results