RPi Webcontrol for dummies

Removing and reinstalling webcontrol seems to have solved my issue. The new version displays better too. I haven’t cut anything yet but I have moved the sled around and all seems well. Thanks.

Another question. In this install and the previous I could upload files to the GCode folder on the pi but could not remove or change files. To work around this I used the pi file manager to change the change content variable to “anyone” . Is this the correct approach or is there another better way?

I also updated the wiki to reflect the current stable version.

that is correct, you need to change the folder permissions. Great to hear it is working.

I can get webcontrol to run on a pi3B+ full desktop raspian with 7" touch screen.
however I can’t get my win10 desktop or iphone7 to connect to the website page?
ifconfig shows
so I type in in the web browser and I get the error:

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
could this be due to the raspi being on the 2.4ghz network and I’m guessing the pc and iphone are on the 5ghz band? how do I force phone/pc to use 2.4ghz?

Can you ping from the desktop?

sorry, Just realize my mistake. I switched from ethernet cable to wifi connection and that changed the ip address. lol. works now.