After a software-crash I restartet the Maslow. I retractet the belts, extend them and fixed the belts to the ancor points with the Maslow attached to an tensioning belt. (Vertical installation)
Then i realised, that the z-position was too low (bit was still installed), so I tap on the z-up button. In this moment the belts retracted and applied tension.
The force was strong enough to tare the tensioning belt - quite scary if you standing right in front of it. Luckily, the machine wasn´t damaged at all.
Has this happened to someone else?
Perhaps it is possible to prevent this in the future.
I have also had a similar experience, moving the Z axis in the wrong sequence can caused the belts to move unexpectedly, i.e. before tensioning during the retract, extend dance. Have to lift the Z axis before dancing.
I’ve had this happen as well and had posted about it a couple of months ago. (I had just released the belt tension. Then went to move the Z axis up (1mm) and instead, the belts tightened again.)
It makes sense to me that the belts would tighten up (although we could I think avoid that by making the belts only activate after apply tension or calibration has been called).
The part here that seems unexpected to me is to have it break a belt. I would expect the belts to tighten up quickly, but just to the same position that they would be in while cutting.
I guess if the calibration is off and it happens then we could get this result.