So, doing the ring sled instructions, it tells me to connect the chain to the sled, then it tells me to start calibration, which promptly tells me to remove the chain from everything. Then it tells me to put the chain back on, then remove it again then put it back on… so after removing and replacing the chain several times, I finally get to the “calibrate chain lengths” step, and I’m looking at the calibration screen and it’s showing mounting the chain for the off the top feed method… which is not the method I’m using, so now I have no idea what to do. should I remove the chain again and remount it in top mount mode like the picture shows?
The calibration would be a better place to show how to mount the sled to the chains, rather than having this be in the sled creation instructions, where the first thing you have to do after finally getting the chain mounted to the sled and then getting told to run calibration is unmount the chain from the sled.