Straight line curves down at top of the sheet (solved)

Currently running this china 12V/10A without magic smoke.

Kindly ignore the Bedouin style mounting :grin:
I live in a country under (not so active) development, plus the window AC is blowing sideways over the electronics.


My thought was that if the power supply wasn’t providing enough current at the upper limits to cause an accuracy issue, then it was limited on the amount of heat it could produce. Giving it the possibility to pull more power also gives it the possibility to generate more heat. But its good to know that your 12V/10A doesn’t let out the magic smoke.


I like the jack to adjust tilt (I assume). I had suggested at one point putting a scissor lift in between the legs and the top beam to adjust the “height” of the top beam. But there’d be too much slop since the force is acting in a different direction than the scissor lift is designed for.

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The far future new frame will have 2 jacks with an old motor turning them :slight_smile:
1 jack in the middle makes the strongest frame flimsy at the low corners.


One more statement about the power supply:
I was running the original 5A for more then 1 year and fried at least 1 shield with it, at same weight and steeper angels.
If it has anything to with my cut, then it could not supply the 5A or even less any more (weekend somehow). LOL, yes, tomoorow weekend, weakened…


@bar Any thoughts on using a 12v 10A power supply in lieu of the recommended 12v 5A?

It certainly can’t hurt! It does sound like that fixed the issue for some. The motor driver board is really only rated for about 5 amps, but there is a new driver board in the works which will remove that limitation also.