David, sorry this got ignored. Had a busy weekend away from the Maslow. I’m hoping to get back to my machine this next weekend.
Are you referring to these?
I’ve been meaning to experiment with different weights now that we have chain sag calculations. Each one of the steel weights are ~550g, or ~20 oz. I can systematically reduce the weight, run the calibration routine, and then benchmark the resulting configuration so we have comparable results. If I remove 4 weights at a time, I can test in 5 lb increments. I think that should give us sufficient data.
While I have been thinking of a mechanism to allow it, I currently don’t have any adjustment in my machine’s angle. I would like to be able to test that too, but I have so many other machine improvements and projects I need to get to it would take me quite some time to get to a place where I can test that.