Turned on Maslow, but network does not come on

I was working on my setup last night and everything seemed to be working properly.Came back this morning but cannot connect to Maslow network. It doesn’t show up as an available network. Any ideas?

Did you try to change any of the network settings? What firmware are you on? Is there a blinking blue light?

I downloaded the latest firmware last night, dated 7/10, and yes, there is a blue light blinking.

So did you join the maslow to your local network?
As far as the blue light blinking, it is blinking out a set of numbers, should start with 192.xxxxx
It blinks a certain number of times, pauses, blinks again, pauses, etc.
The tricky thing is finding the 0’s, 101 would be one blink, a double pause, followed by another blink.
Count those blinks until it starts to repeat.
I assume trying to go to maslow.local doesn’t do anything?

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Went on Maslow.local and it connected. Thanks, JG

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In the setup menu, I have been able to retract all and extend all. But when extended, it doesn’t extend enough to reach all the corners. It has in the past, but will not now. What have I done wrong and how can I correct?

The Maslow thinks that your frame is smaller than it actually is. I had that problem once after a firmware upgrade. I thought I had modified the appropriate settings, but apparently I didn’t save them or something. Go to the FluidNC tab and go to the Maslow settings. Look at the following values and see if they make sense for your frame:

Maslow_tlX: should be a small number, say < 20
Maslow_tlY: should be about the height of your anchors
Maslow_trX: should be about the width of your anchors
Maslow_trY: should be about the height of your anchors
Maslow_blX: 0.000000
Maslow_blY: 0.000000
Maslow_brX: should be about the width of your anchors
Maslow_brY: 0.000000

If these look wrong you either need to find a copy of your last calibration and use it to update your values or perform another calibration.

The other, less common, issue would be if your encoders are mis-measuring the amount your belts are extending, which could be one of several issues.

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You can also click on “Configuration” and it will tell you how big it thinks the frame is now:

You’re not the first person to post this problem. It made me realize we don’t have that issue in the troubleshooting section of the Maslow 4 Wiki.

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