Maslow network not appearing

Hey, just set up my maslow4.

There doesnt seem to be any apparent network broadcast.

LED is a constant solid green. Any tips?

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Do you have any other LED colors? Do you see a blue LED or a red LED?

No, just the singular constant green LED on the main board.
Besides the port LEDs which has the green and orange LEDs on.

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If you unplug one of the motors or encoders from the main board and then turn it off and back on again do you see a red light?

Or when you first plug the machine in do you hear the stepper motors power up for about two seconds?

The thing I’m trying to figure out is if the firmware on the machine is running but not working right or if maybe the machine doesn’t have any software installed at all.

Do you have a windows computer? If so running the full install might fix it.

Tried unpluging and reconnecting everything.

I have to leave the stepper motors unconnected due to them becoming excessively hot.

I’m in agreement with the board having no software. I have both windows and mac os available to use. I’m guessing the instructions for a full install is on the wiki?

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This is a clear sign of the absence of the correct version of the Maslow software.

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What’s the process for correcting this?

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uploading a new maslow.yaml file (and new firmware) does it. If your system
isn’t giving you a network to connect to (look for any new network that appears
when you power it on), Bar has posted a script that will let you update over USB
from a windows machine, and others have posted how to do it from other systems
(sorry, don’t have a link handy)

David Lang

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That does sound like the firmware is not installed. I’m sorry about that!

The easiest and fastest solution is to download the file for any firmware version (although that is the latest), then unzip the file, power on the machine, plug the maslow controller into a windows computer with a USB cable, and double click on the full_install.bat file.

If you have any trouble with that at all let me know and I can send you a new controller board with the firmware ready to go on it.

Hey, as embarrassing as this is. I’m finally getting around to updating the firmware. The connection is unstable for some reason, even with a brand new usb-c cable. Also, the model is USB JTAG/ Serial Debug unit. No other information is available.
Is the offer of sending another board on the table?
I have no clue if the photo will upload correctly.

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I’m still 1000% in to send you a new board if you want one.

I haven’t seen that USB connection issue before, but I’ve got a couple things I can think of to try.

Is this with the board connected to the Maslow power supply and also to the computer?

The board has a button on it, holding down that button when the board powers on will put it in boot mode which could help

okay, i’ll take you up on the new board. It became stable, but i wasn’t able to connect to it.

Would you mind adding it to order #11116?

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Since are going to ship directly from the factory it’s tough to add things to those orders. I’ll DM you a code to make it free (and free shipping) and it’s easier for us to just send it to you as it’s own order so you don’t have to wait