May 26, 2019, 1:49am
here is the spreadsheet, it lets you see the angle and force differences with different setups
you may also want to look at these motor mounts I designed New motor mount suggestion
for mounting the top beam and having it be adjustable, look at this post using a unistrut angle and short piece of unistrut to allow the top beam to be moved in and out easily
This is what the joint would look like as you are mounting the bracket to the leg (with the top beam moved back a lot so it’s balanced to not fall down.
I haven’t modeled the bolt holes in the bracket
this will be very square, and the unistrut to top beam will be very square, and the result is adjustable and easily reaches the distances we need with a 6" unistrut, and can be extended out to arbitrary distances by people who need more.
(lots of useful info in that thousand post thread)