Thanks to the kind people here and the great inventors of Maslow I am up and running. In the end I had to make my frame smaller than the stock version due to workspace restrictions. I have some errors in the calibration as the vertical lines are not as vertical art the edges. I’m not surprised with my smaller frame.
Has anyone tried “warping” their sketch before doing the CAM work, like camera lens correction in lightroom etc…? Basically instead of trying to make my maslow perfect, I simply correct for my “errors” at the software stage. (you make a “calibration” for your individual machine, and convert your drawing each time. Maybe this could allow “poor” size frames to perform at near 100% perfect measures).
For example if I know at the edges my vertical line produces 89degrees cuts instead of 90degree cuts, I “convert” my drawing to have on 91 degree lines, to balance out the error of my maslow cuts.
Has anyone tried this?
Do you think it could work?
Would anyone know where to start in Fusion 360?
that’s basically what the optical calibration firmware is doing, mapping out the
errors and then correcting for them.
The problem is that the distortions are not easy to map out mathmatically (if
they were, we would just correct it in the firmware), but there are multiple
values that can not match reality, and each one introduces error curves, and
different sources can produce errors that add and subtract.
we have a simulator in GC that lets you deliberatly introduce an error and then
see the result on a grid.
How can I find the simulator in GC? Would you recommend this, or another way to get things working perfectly.
I have just drawn some 110cm squares. They are 109.5 wide at the top and 109.0 at the bottom. They are also 110.2 high… So i have some errors going on! which I’d love to get fixed as best possible before I put some big cuts down.
I remember seeing a great post with diagrams giving examples of what certain errors come from, But I can’t find it any longer.
the simulator is more a means to understand the complexity of making this sort
of correction
accurate measurements (which requires a good quality tape measure, see if you
can find a class 1 or class 2 tape measure rather than a el-cheapo, at least to
compare your el-cheapo against)
right now, it seems like the holey calibration is your best bet (short of the
optical option)