What should Maslow sound like while cutting?

I’m experimenting with different feeds and speeds. And I think everything looks good, but I’m not sure if there are any warning signs I should be on the lookout for.

Is the sound while cutting a good indication of if things are set up well?

Here’s a short clip of a 1/8" bit cutting 1/4" deep on 1/4" plywood, I think this was at 50"/min, but was probably much slower because it was a bunch of small cuts.

It’s definitely louder than when it was cutting slower or doing more passes. Is that a good or bad thing, or does it not matter?

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I think that sounds quite good.

It’s always a little hard to get a real sense of the sound on video, but overall I think that’s great.

I was messaging with a friend recently and we were talking about the idea of integrating a microphone into the controller to measure the sound as a way for the machine to better self detect issues because it is a good way to measure how things are working.

In general should it be “loud, but not too loud” ? Like, it’s doing work but not struggling? Are there sounds I should look out for? Are there available pins on the existing board? It seems like a microphone would be pretty easy to add. And if it was a standard piece in a standard location, then comparing clips would be much easier.

Also, could this be the chips? I pulled this out of my dust separator after the cuts were done.

That won’t be the finer stuff, just the bigger pieces that get caught by the separator.

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Those chips look great!

We do have a couple extra pins and also an extra serial connection so it wouldn’t be too hard to add.

It’s on my “to investigate” list, but my “critical” todo list is pretty long at the moment so it might be a little while before I can get to it.