Unhealthy noise from milling tool

I am working on my first cut! The cutting looks OK (some accuracy know issues, for different post).
There is some clearly unhealthy noise coming from the milling tool cutting the board.
Using a 3mm milling tool, originally used on aluminum/steel (can it be used for wood?).
Is the turning speed to high? The movement speed? Is it due to wobbly movement of the Maslow?
I am not sure, but it’s clear this noise should be like that.
See video in link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MU5HsCSkFWfNXSPX8

Oh boy that noise is quite something! What material are you cutting? What is your feed rate and how deep are you cutting with each pass?

I think it’s plywood with some sort of colored lamination, not sure what material.
I am not sure about the feed rate, I am using a 500W spindle, and just turned the knob ~70% of the speed, I assume it’s around 8,000-9,000 RPM.
Each pass - 3 mm depth.
The Maslow moves at max speed in the X and Y directions. Is that relevant?
Also, is it possible I just connected the feed direction wires wrong? Would that be a cause for this noise?


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Do you have a picture of the router bit? Does it look pretty normal?

Have you tried slowing down the feed rate (i.e., how fast it is moving across the material when cutting)? I wonder if the spoil and decking underneath may be reverberating with the piece and exacerbating the sound. That probably wouldn’t be the root of the sound, but might be amplifying the problem.

The router bit looks normal, i am not sure it’s specifically for wood though.

It’s moving pretty fast, in the gcode software I input max speed, so I assume the feed rate was limited by the Maslow capabilities. What is the recommended feed rate? What is the recommended router bit speed?
Regarding the reverberation, good point. Any suggestions on how to improve this?

Looks like a 1/8" bit, I cut between 1500 and 1800mm/min and not max-speed, can you share your thoughts on why you picked max? If I was getting cuts I didn’t like or having strange behavior from my bit, I think I’d look at the speed I’m moving pretty early on.

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To be honest I am just no experienced in CNC manufacturing. I normally like to challenge the design so I think that’s why I started with max speed.
Any rule of thumb when setting the feed rate? is it related to the bit diameter?

It is related to the bit diameter - you can multiply by pi to figure out how fast a cutting edge is going relative to the surface being cut - there are calculators somewhere for this.

Then obviously you multiply by yhe number of flutes on your bit.

Then the rule of thumb part is that you want ‘chips’ not ‘dust’. So if you’re generating a lot of dust your speed (rotational speed) is too high relative to your feed rate.

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This topic has some good discussion on settings vs bit Is there a recipe table for setting router and axis travel speeds? I am smoking router bits with my Maslow 4