Workflow to arrange cuts on workpiece?

I have been using onshape → krabzCAM → maslow.

One thing I don’t like about this workflow is arranging my cuts (as svg/dxf) in krabzCAM can be tedious. Often I’m looking to pack in multiple cuts in a constrained area. Doing this manually feels like a jig-saw puzzle with no good solution.

I’m used to my 3d printing workflow where I can simply press “arrange on bed”, and the software auto rotates and places my various objects. Does such a thing exist in the CAM world? If so, any recommendations?

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I have no experience with this nesting software but it’s open source:


thanks, will check this out and report back. “nesting” was the word I was looking for!

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Reporting back here. After trying a bunch of nesting software, the best I’ve found by far is this one:

no relation with them, but there are a few killer features for maslow :

  • Free, up to 50 pieces.
  • Can specify multiples of duplicate pieces to cut
  • Can define plywood size, and it will minimize number of sheets used (and maximize empty space on the last sheet)
  • Can specify distance from edge of worksurface to put parts (very helpful to avoid tipping over the edge!)

My workflow now looks like:

  • CAD in onshape
  • Create a drawing in onshape, with one copy of each cut, top down
  • nest using nestingcenter
  • CAM in Krabzcam
  • Import to maslow

Thank you for sharing

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fyi Fusion360’s September 2024 update just added auto arrange feature.