Z axis not moving

Yesterday, I had no problem moving the Z axis, but today, it’s not moving.


  1. boot
  2. select Z axis, click on either up or down


  • fans of the Maslow4 spin up
  • no movement observed
  • software reports that Z position is now higher/lower

Update: I resolved the issue by manually uploading maslow.yaml - it did resolve the problem.

The questions as thus:

  1. is the maslow.yaml included/being updated with the firmware?
  2. should I save the maslow.yaml locally after calibration so that I have a known good state to revert to?
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Yes, I think Bar always includes it in the github releases

You should save off the maslow.yaml once you have a good calibration to copy values to the new one from.

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iliaden wrote:

  1. is the maslow.yaml included/being updated with the firmware?

no (*)

it is a separate file that is normally not changed when you update firmware and
index.html.gz, but there have been changes to it a few times.

  1. should I save the maslow.yaml locally after calibration so that I have a
    known good state to revert to?

yes, it’s the Maslow_* lines that are critical, if you ever need to update to a
new file, those are the variables to transfer

maslow.yaml is very picky about formatting, a stray space can break it

David Lang

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there is a new maslow.yaml in the releases, but not in the firmware.bin

@ronlawrence3 how hard would it be to split the maslow.yaml to put the Maslow_* variables in a frame.yaml file? (or leave them in maslow.yaml and put all the rest of the stuff in fluidnc.yaml like it originally used)

Well, the way fluid seems to initialize these they all need to be in one file when the system starts up. That is not to say we could not change it for things that don’t need to be set right at startup. Probably worth a github issue to keep track of?

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Ron Lawrence wrote:

Well, the way fluid seems to initialize these they all need to be in one file
when the system starts up. That is not to say we could not change it for
things that don’t need to be set right at startup. Probably worth a github
issue to keep track of?

makes sense, and that matches what I was thinking of, all the pin assignment
stuff in one file, and the frame details in a second one.

David Lang

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