Happy New Year to all.
I am ambitious. I have several intentions to improve the user experience. In addition I plan to try to bring the community together in both gatherings and goals. The first which is:
Maslow Bay Makerfaire Meet 2018
May 19-21, 2017, San Mateo, CA
I’ve come to learn that many people travel across country to this faire to attend. I plan to organize a time, date and place for us to meet up.
The second is:
Boxing Day 2018
At the moment it’s a concept. The goal is to challenge each of you with a working Maslow to make one or more projects to give away to someone in need or sell it to raise money that will be donated. The dead line for this is before Thanksgiving 2018. This is so there will be plenty of time to get the donations together and submitted in December 2018 in honor of Boxing Day.
These are just a few of my goals. I will be setting up a server where these things can be organized.
I recently added a few things to the Wiki -
Community Contributed Files
Interwebs contact , collaborating
Maslow Ground Control Computer
All the Ways You Can Still Upgrade to Windows 10 for Free
Windows Requirements for Ground Control
If you are up for either of the above initiatives, please reply here.
Thank you