2nd Generation MaslowCNC Controller on GRBL


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Ok, ordering with the website does not work for me.

No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.

I hope a PM will be forgiven.

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usps priority mail will get there ($35 shipping for a small flat rate box)

There may be better ways.

David Lang

Are these hand built or PnP?

These are PCBA from our board manufacturer we get our 1.2 boards from.

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When i try to lookup the due-shield in the makermade shop

I also only get

Is the DUE controller now only available with a complete maslow kit or maslow upgrade kit?!

Seems only available here as a bundle with the the Aduino Due and a case:

Sadly not an option for me, as i have the Due and donā€™t want the case. Buying 3 parts where i need 1 is not in my budget.


I am not sure to post in the good section, if so, please excuse me and re-route me.
Cutting BSpline designed shapes with my Maslow (example What did you cut today? - #617 by gwen), I would like to know if the GRBL based Due controller can improve. As this kind of CNC path have to been discretized, it produces a path made of many ā€˜little straight linesā€™, depending on the original shape and the discretization applied. So the Maslow starts/stops/starts/stops ā€¦, without any particular acceleration and speed smooting. If the quality of the cut is OK (but still could be better with smoothing I think), it is very time consuming that the machine stops at the end of each little line. Does the GRBL based due card allow avoiding this behavior thanks to look ahead and acceleration management ?
In any case, thank you for your great work on this project!

it may be that your gcode is specifying too many tiny segments. There is a topic
here about a gcode optimizer written by one of the forum memmbers that re-writes
the gcode to not be as precise, but also not as many different segments, try
running that on your gcode.

David Lang

Thank you David for your reply. I will check the topic as I am interested in this kind of topics.
But actually, this is not my problem, as I control the discretization parameters that allow passing from bsplines to polylines (so I control the number of segment VS deviation from the original curve).
My question is about motors control, and in particular look ahead for acceleration management. I know this a feature of GRBL, but I want to know if it is implemented and works with 2nd generation Maslow controller based on Arduino Due and GRBL. I hope I have been more clear.