I ran over my son’s skateboard this morning, he was super sad and mad at himself. Wanted to surprise him so I worked on the design remotely in Inkscape, about 10-15 min to make. Already had logo so just copied and pasted.
In makecam I opened the svg file from my google drive Maslow folder (cloud is a must.) Threw on a pocket opertaion and profile cut and boom less than 10 min.
Got home for “lunch” and went strait to maslow. Opened the new file from google drive on the dedicated maslow computer. Found a spot on a board I liked, difined home and tapped start ( less time than took me to write this last paragraph)
Pocket op for logo .125” w step of .0625 “
Profile op for board .55” w step .12” (no tabs)
10-15 min
Used old board as template for drill holes
Assembled w power
That would be great if he is there to helpand gets involved, I wished my son got involved when he was that young, now he is in his 30’s and married and moved away.