Quick little address sign for the father in law’s lake cabin. I believe he wants to paint it, so I lucked out there.
Nice work!
How did you do the glue up of the boards?
I labeled what boards and orientation I wanted and then ran them though the jointer. Then I used titebond 3 with some clamps.
I also live in a lake neighborhood and was thinking of doing this now that I have my CNC set up. Did you convert a photo of the lake to the shape? How?
Google maps default view colours water a nice consistent single shade. Screen shot a view of the lake you want then use any program that can create a vector from that screen shot. The shore line, at least for the resolution needed for a sign like this, will pop out nicely though there will also be some chaff surrounding the lake outline that will need to be removed.
You can use any vector editing program, but I just traced it manually to create the vector shape in affinity designer. After you have the vector you can import that SVG into any CAM solution to generate the gcode.
There are also nautical charts, which I’ve used in the past to do full depth mapping.
It’s a little more intense of a process, but the results are cool.
Did you do this one (i.e., the picture above with blue water) as well? If so, what did you do for the water? Is that paint, stain, some sort of epoxy?
Correct, epoxy with some coloring. I even machined the speaker below it as well.
It’s beautiful! I love how the epoxy has varying degrees of transparency and depth to the piece.