All About the groundcontrol.ini File

I’ve reached the point whereby I’m about to calibrate and hang my new sled arrangment. Many changes have been made since my first frame/sled days and as such I’m wondering if it is best to start from scratch: should/can I delete (rename and backup) my groundcontrol.ini file? Will GC immediately generate a new default .ini file?

Many thanks,

Yes, GC will create a new .ini file from scratch. It’s never a bad idea to save
a copy of the old one when you want to start over, but then you can just delete
the old one and compare the results after calibration


Nice one, thank you, I wasn’t sure how the portable windows thing worked.

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Would we like to see a “reset all settings to defaults” button which would delete that file automatically so you don’t have to go and track it down?

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As long as the old one is dated and marked as old… rather than deleted


I doubt it warrants a button, as it’d rarely be used I’d have thought, except by those who know where it is.


it comes up too frequently, so it’s not a bad idea to have a button.

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Maybe in an “Advanced settings” area?

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I’ve been keeping backups of my groundcontrol.ini files in a separate folder from ground control:

That way I can restore to a previous version if I change configurations at any point. I usually use it as a starting point, and then run a couple rounds of calibration to make sure that the settings accommodate this iteration of the configuration.

Is there a way to automate the backup process through Ground Control? For instance, when you click it, it creates a backup of the .ini file in C:\Maslow\INI_Backup, then restores the settings to default? Not that I’m opposed to copying the files manually, but it would be pretty cool to be able to press a button and then back up the settings. If I had more coding knowledge/time I would take a crack at it in a fork.


Yes, I can see how I’m likely to want to change things around regularly, once I understand what all the variables are ;¬)


I feel stupid, but I can’t find the ini file. I am trying to switch from GroundControl to WebControl and am supposed to upload my groundcontrol.ini file, but I can’t find it. Where is it supposed to be? Is it actually a .txt file or something else? My Groundcontrol was recently calibrated and working fine, so I assume there should be an ini file somewhere!?

it may be a hidden file in the directory you run GroundControl from

David Lang

I found it. It is in the user directory under. I just don’t know why when I searched for the file by name Windows couldn’t find it. Strange.
Location is C:\Users\username\groundcontrol.ini

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