That’s the plan!
Really like your design! I saw an email come in about the remixed model, very nice. I decided I didn’t like the cable extenders myself.
Thanks! I had figured that this thread had gone dead a long time ago.
You are entirely right. After I finished printing the prototype, I realized that was a design flaw. I actually made the changes you were suggesting to the Thingiverse file. When I went to print out the improved version, my extruder didn’t heat up and I haven’t a chance to troubleshoot it. If I can’t get it working, I may just canabalise the steppers and linear guides and make a Prusa i3 clone.
I like that idea a lot! I hadn’t thought of making internal cowling to force the air to go through the heatsinks. Definitely an improvement I’d like to make when I get printing again.
I actually have an update of my own to show. Now that I have my machine working, I finally have put the case to the test:
The cooling this design offer is definitely an improvement for the machine. I didn’t test the heat-sinks with any sort of thermometer, but they stay very cool, even when I’m cutting along the top of the machine. I have left the door out for now, partially because I want to still be able to access the PLC while I am still setting up the machine. This photo was taken before I set up the Z-Axis, so that cable is missing in the photo. I’m trying to figure out how I want to route all the electronics around so everything is zip-tied in place. I have also left out my extenders, it simplified the system greatly, it was just one more part that could go wrong.
I actually made up a second version of the design:
Fusion 360 Link: Fusion
This file is avalible in the MaslowCNC Fusion 360 folder that @mrfugu and I have been working in. Not sure how to share that link.
I’m hoping that this solves quite a few problems I had with the previous design. I am still planning on making some kind of cowling to go over it, possibly hold the heat sinks in place mechanically and force air over them better, as @pillageTHENburn suggested. I also am planning on making an actual electronics cabinet that this will be mounted in. As such, I’m less concerned with dust isolation.
Now, if only I can get my printer working again…