Basic stand idea from 1 plywood sheet with few 2by4 wood

This is basic 5 minutes design for my maslow m4, haven’t started building it yet
The triangle is mad eout of plywood 2.2 mm sheet
One sheet is sufficient to make 4 stands of 15 degrees
The top and bottom wood is not flush with the plywood making it double as a shelf to hold the plywood sheet,
Thinking of adding wood from the back also to strengthen the plywood sheets,
I am open for suggestions to improve the design b4 i start building it hopefully next Friday.
My concern os that the plywood would bend with time making the surface crooked and the z level wont be level any more


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what size workpiece are you designing for? where and how are your anchors

David Lang

Final dimentions might be 180 cm by 300 cm,
Can be extended up to 230 by 300 but the two wooden framed on the top and the bottom would be all the way at the top of the triangle, but that might make it flimsy or unstable,
And the bottom one might reach the floor, causes the sled to touch the ground.

One thing i noticed that is not clear in the pictures is the notches that hold the 2by4 .

As for the anchors i can renforce the ends of the top and bottom 2by4 with metal sheeting that has already appropriate hole size with long bolt that extrudes enf for the anchors

Is that the final dimensions of the frame or the maximum workpiece dimensions? If that is the frame dimensions, then actual usable cutting area will be significantly less.

You might want some cross-braces on the back side to keep the uprights vertical. The Maslow is very sensitive to flex in the frame.