Calibration Data - Copy-and-paste between several laptops?

Welcome @Daniel_Burke to the Maslow forums! That is a wonderful idea to donate that to a school. It’s a great machine for learning how CNC routers work.

A similar question came up in the Freezing the Calibration thread:

The question was about having a backup of settings in Ground Control, which is the program that sends commands to the machine. @Bar may have to confirm this, but I believe that the groundcontrol.ini file could be copied between each of the students’ laptops and they would be able to run their programs with no issues.

The important task would be to make sure that everyone has a current version of the ini file. If someone were to miss a calibration that could throw off their cuts.

There has been talk of programming the firmware so that the calibration gets saved to the Arduino instead, which would do away with needing to copy this file between computer. That would make it very easy to just plug a laptop into the USB cable and run a program. However, I don’t believe that change has been made yet.