Clamp Posts decided enough was enough

For the new year some of the M4’s clamp posts decided enough was enough:

No screw holes for me then.

So I 3D printed two of them as a single part, seems much better:


What do you think about making the STL file available? Thanks.

FullInnerPost.stp (643.8 KB)
Try this - although it is a step file

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  • What material did you print these in?
  • How was the part oriented on the build plate?
  • What settings (infill, walls, layer height, supports, etc) worked
  • How do they seem to be holding up?


  • Material - PETG
  • Orientation - Vertical, I figured this would be the least amount of support material needed
  • Settings - infill was adaptive cubic at 20% I think, but these things are fairly thin walled, so they’re mostly solid anyway, walls were 5 (again if I remember correctly), supports definitely (I did regular, but I think tree might be better), etc I did consider using a brim, but deliberately decided against it in the end.
  • Working? Seems to be, but not really used in anger yet
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