Could this bike rack be cut with Maslow?

Do you think this design could be cut with Maslow? It’s taking the design right to the edges of a 4x8’ sheet of plywood:

Can you download the design and post a picture of it. This points to a list of things some in Cement. No the Maslow can’t do Cement as documented for a standard build. I’m saying there are several designs here and we can’t read your mind. Throw us a bone - please.

Thank you

The round cut-outs for the bike tires will not have an issue being 1mm off. The slots to fit-in/slide pieces together might have issues with that (outer edges/corners). A workaround is to cut in scrap material in the corners, measure how much +/- it’s off and adjust in the CAD.
How good is the machine calibrated? 10ft or 12ft motor distance?

Kind regards, Gero

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Good point! I posted the article but one has to scrounge around for the actual design files. They can be found here:

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Thank you! - I like that one. I would use paper or cardboard until the cut is dialed in, before cutting. Practice with a pen or pencil. Would think it’s achievable. We have people making boats here.

Thank you

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making that
with a stock frame is not really possible, you would need to add a 12" boarder all around the 4x8 sheet for it to cut so close to the edges.

you don’t need 12" skirt (remember the sled only extends 9" from the center of
the bit), if you have the chains at the balance point on the sled (in the
vertical axis of the router), 3" or so is probably enough, 6" pleanty, and 9"
means that the edge of your sled will never pass the edge of the skirt.

David Lang

that’s assuming murphy’s law doesn’t’ exist. better to have a little bit of cushion room then have the sled slip off the edge because the wood wasn’t centered or some other mistakein gcode. labor is the main cost in making a skirt, a few more inches of plywood is negligible cost.

if you are off the edge of the wood, your workpiece is ruined anyway, and if you
are there, you can stop it easily (and worst case you have to reset your chains)

it’s few pennies of wood, but it’s space that’s eaten up.

no problem with going wider if you want to, but if everyone pads the size they
are given and tells the next person that larger size (for them to then pad),
sood you will have 4’ skirts :slight_smile:

David Lang

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