I’m pretty aware of the accuracy issues in the bottom corners of my rig and rather than upgrade to a 12’ beam, I’d like to map the accuracy so I can create a Safe Zone that I can adapt my projects to. Has anyone come up with discrete areas that are affected? Even anecdotal or rough estimates would help. I’d like to have a template to apply to my drawings that would show me where to stay out of.
it’s not a case of ‘past this point it’s bad’, it’s a case of ‘as you get
closer, errors multiply’.
The questions you need answers for are
how much error is acceptable to this project (if you are doing Santa Clause
cutouts to put in your yard, you will accept far more error than if you are
cutting slots for parts to snap together) -
how accurate is your machine elsewhere? the more accurate your machine is in
general, the less it will be affectes as these errors get magnified as you get
closer to the corners.
I’ve seen boat builders post ‘yeah, it was off by an inch in this area, no big
deal’ while other posters freak out ‘it as off by 1/4", ruining my piece’
David Lang
I’m pretty flexible with my parts. I build for the stage, so my audience is at least 50’ away. If something comes out wonky, I can fix it with tape, glue, more wood, paint, etc. I’d just like to use all the space I can without crossing the event horizon. What is the best way to measure the deviance? Just cut a series of concentric boxes and check all the spacing?
My suggestion should be a 4 inch spiral from the center measuring the differences of X&Y in each lap. The thing to remember is it would be very difficult to repeat from build to build in my opinion as each build is diffrent.
My 2 Cents.
Thank you
Isuspect that you aren’t going to have any problems in your use case.
cut the boxes so you can see where it’s straight and where the edges show
noticable curves.
remember, you can use foam insulation panels for your test cutting at a lower
cost than plywood.
David Lang