Curious. what is the drawback other than motor power to

I’m curious if the limitation is motor HP to make cutting passes greater than 1/8" as recommended. Has anyone tried a 3/8" or 1/4" compression cutter and made one pass through 1/2" melamine? The only other setback I could think would be that the larger bit and stronger motor would put to much force on the floating cut head disrupting smooth cutting.

I guess you could put a stop in the code, and change from a downcut to a upcut to finish melamine cutting. but looking to see if you think it’s possible to avoid this step.

Thanks all.

Motor HP is almost certainly not a limitation, many commercial CNC machines seem to use lower HP (and lower speeds) at faster feed rates. Frankly, much of the outside limits of testing hasn’t been done with MaslowCNC yet.

Here is a video of @bar running 1/4" bit at full speed (48"/min) at 1/4" per pass, and again at 3/4" depth. He speculates that a larger bit would perform better but that beyond 3x bit diameter you’d have problems pretty quickly, but in the middle there (using a 1/2" bit and similar depth setting) there’s probably some room to figure out a usable and accurate increase.

Obviously, for the different projects @bar has built so far, accuracy and repeatability has been key, and a good reason for using conservative numbers. On the outside edge of things I think folks have been busy getting their accuracy as high as possible and I expect we’ll learn more soon, as more and more MaslowCNCs come online and are reliably cutting accurately. It’s natural that people will begin to experiment more with where the outer limits are.


Thanks for the reply! I’m excited to evaluate this. If I can convince the wife that we need one of these in the garage. :smile:

Offer to make her a custom fit chair and stress the furniture and cabinet possibilities.


I used the constant request to make American doll beds to sell as my “Well this is what I need to do that for you”
Never even mentioned my plans for it. :wink:

Bout 20 years back we might have bought one of those beds for Molly, Samantha, and the 2 or 3 custom dolls (can’t remember if we had them for all 3 girls). Just found a kid size Molly dress cleaning the cedar closet. Maybe it’ll go for a granddaughter some day.

All that AG paraphernalia adds up.

Must have more than 30 Barbies, bought Mattel stock around that time.

Allegedly people are paying $100 for a 2x4 cut up and screwed back together in extremely non creative manner all day long. If they are bonus. If not oh well I will still have a very hand tool. That I’ll suddenly have plenty of ideas of how to put to use. :smiling_imp:

My daughter is just now leaving her AG phase. My wallet is breathing a sigh of relief… boys are cheaper, right? :wink:

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No idea, 3 girls.:grin: Guessing the artillery is cheaper with boys, oldest girl got a nice 20g auto since the single shot left a big bruise from sporting clays. ER bills are probably more, think my parents got the quantity rate on stitches.

It all pales if you are supporting them through college. Start thinking about how to turn your Maslow hobby into an income stream…

Done! My whole paycheck went to universities for 10 years. Would have paid for one of those 6 axis CNC machines with leftovers.

They were on their own for grad school. 2 of them got three masters between them. The third is an engineer, 3rd generation on both sides!


These stories make me glad I have one (and a boy to boot). College started this year, so that’s where “disposable” income goes for the next while.

Teenage girls build character, what with being the world’s stupidest parent with the world’s smartest daughter’s.

What’s your son studying?

I don’t need more character :sob:
My daughter will be 10 next month and the hints of teenage turmoil are growing everyday. Though part of me hopes that’s just because mom refuses to let her live with me while the other part knows teenagers are teenagers. So I’m buckling in for the ride.

Dual major - Pastoral Ministries (preaching) and music…

Congratulations! Hope he does well.

My former carpenter went to seminary school and became a preacher in his 40s. Should be easier for a young guy

Thanks… looking over some of his course work I know I couldn’t cut it :slight_smile:

After a lot of uneducated years I went back to school for two years of medic classes in the early aughts. The how to go to school skills come back…

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I expect so… but I’m not sure the “want to go back” skills would :slight_smile:

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