Has anyone tried cutting Foam or Foamcore with their maslow routers?
I was looking to make box inserts for boardgames or to router foam for tool/other inserts. You know how when you buy some tools and they come in a box with a foam insert that fits exactly to their shape?
I am eagerly awaiting my Maslow in the mail (late February) but i am trying to collect ideas for my first projects.
I have cut foam as well and it cuts very nicely, no need for a hot knife attachment. I used a smaller bit (1/8" as well as 1/16") and it was cut very nicely. I actually do all my test cuts in foam as a 4x8 piece is only about $12 and I can tweak anything I need to once seeing the completed cut, another bonus is it doesn’t dull a good CNC bit while you test!
As for bits, I have bought 1/8" and 1/16" bits on eBay from drillman1. He has tons of CNC bits of varying varieties. With these though, remember the shank is 1/8" so you need a 1/4" to 1/8" reducer. Links below:
I’d second the Drillman recommendation, bought a lot of bits from him 5+ years ago for my Zenbot Mini CNC router so he’s got longevity. Check out his bargain bin, that’s where a lot of my bits came from.
He follows “The Rule of the Tool”, that’s the warranty iirc
I would second @bar’s note on cutting insulation type of foam and toxicity.
I cut a lot of insulation foam and went to hot knife methods due to the dust…it is extremely toxic. Whatever you do, use a respirator and consider getting a vacuum setup for your system. Please please please be careful with that dust…or any dust, for that matter! Keep on cuttin’!
It really depends on the product you are using. E.g. Finnfoam XPS should be rigid and not producing toxic fumes or dust. I would guess similar XPS product should be available everywhere.