I bought the “wrong” router and had to put some stuff together to make it work. I think there’s a benefit here though, even though it’s less powerful the hydraulic spring back on the plunge frame for the 611 makes for very smooth operation on the z-axis. I’ve heard about people putting a bungee over their routers to get better response. Anyway, I found this nice aluminum mount from MillrightCNC, got a generic 3d printer z-axis and bearing setup from amazon and It’s moving along.
Also I didn’t get a z-axis kit when they were available, so I had to get another motor. All is going well so I thought I’d share what I’ve found. I’ll post some photos/video tomorrow or maybe Monday in case other people are curious. If it really looks like the way forward, I might formalize the design and have a batch machined if anyone is interested.